Chances are

Your Organization is

75% of businesses die within their first 10 years

About 85% of our people are disengaged at work

Most people rate spending time with their boss the worst time of the day

There is an over-emphasis on financial results over culture & strategy

How is your organization doing?

Not sure if your organization needs help? Use our AWAKENED ASSESSMENT TOOL to see just how well your organization is doing.

It’s free, takes only a few minutes, and you’ll get immediate feedback.

If you want further information after that, then we can schedule a free call with you to go through the assessment with you.

It’s completely up to you. Worst case, you’ll have some valuable information on the health of your organization.

Assess Your Organization

The assessment is free, only takes a few minutes, and you’ll get your results immediately.


For each of the following questions, rate your organization on a scale of 1 to 4

  1. Attribute is not at all present in the organization
  2. Attribute is somewhat present in the organization
  3. Attribute is present in the organization
  4. Attribute is very present in the organization

Does your organization have a clearly articulated vision? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Does the organization celebrate its successes? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Does your organization track towards goals, missions, and vision on a regular basis and communicate this to the entire organization? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Does the organization treat them (employees), customers or clients, suppliers, the environment, and the communities’ at large well? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Are your organization’s collective values known by all within the organization? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Are organizational structures clearly in place? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Is there a focus within the organization on balance and not burning people out? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Is there an appreciation of differences and unique contributions within the organization? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Does the team look for a wider context into which they can put problems or events into? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Does your organization have leadership development plans? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Does your organization have relationship/role development plans? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

Does your organization have an organized map for how to get to your vision? (1 - Not Present - 4 - Present)

What industry are you in? (Required)

Are you a human?

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