Unlock Your Creativity with the Enneagram

Discover how the Enneagram can enhance your creativity and overcome your challenges

One of the Enneagram thought leaders, Russ Hudson, and seasoned Enneagram leader, Catherine Bell, have combined their knowledge and expertise to create a groundbreaking project titled “Enneagram and Creativity”. Over the past two years, they’ve worked joyfully developing a series of courses that explore the profound impact of the Enneagram on creativity.

Our courses delve into each Enneagram point’s teachings about creativity, uncovering potential blocks and revealing your brilliance along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned Enneagram student or someone seeking to strengthen your relationship with your creative process, our offerings can provide invaluable insights.

This Creativity work will help cultivate the living awareness and benefit of finding all the essence points within us to support our creative journeys.

Want to stay in touch with what Catherine and Russ are doing? Sign up down below.

    To give you a sneak peek of our groundbreaking courses, we have curated a series of on-demand videos available on Vimeo.

    Up-Coming Enneagram Courses

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