Compassionate Leadership from the Inside Out | Video on Demand

The Awakened Company has partnered with Tara Mandala Buddhist Retreat and the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education to bring compassionate leadership to you. Whether you are new in your leadership role, have years of leadership behind you or simply aspiring to be a leader bringing compassion into your leadership is a recipe for success.

Join us and learn how to lead from the inside out, how to build healthy relationships, and to become a catalyst for awakening in your organizations.

Full Description:

The Awakened Company has partnered with Tara Mandala Buddhist Retreat and the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education to bring compassionate leadership to you. Whether you are new in your leadership role, have years of leadership behind you or simply aspiring to be a leader bringing compassion into your leadership is a recipe for success.

Join us and learn how to lead from the inside out, how to build healthy relationships, and to become a catalyst for awakening in your organizations.

It’s an Inside Job

We will explore compassionate leadership and the inner dimensions and what it means to be a compassionate leader in our lives, in our families with our coworkers and our communities—looking at compassion as a form of self-awareness and a courageous way of being in the world. We will have a chance to look at how we hold back from compassion and learn some tools to bring compassion into our everyday lives.

Heart-Mind Well-Being

This presentation will explore the Dalai Lama Center’s framework of Heart-Mind Well-Being and how it relates to compassionate leaders focusing on being secure and calm, alert and engaged, solving problems peacefully, and being compassionate and kind. We believe that this is the foundation of the future of compassionate leaders that will nurture and lift all aspects of our development.

Awakening as a Collective

We will review the three pillars of an awakened company; energizing, sustaining and regeneration and uncover tips of how you can lead from a full-centred place. Leading business research shows that the best leaders are self-aware and that teams thrive when they feel like their leaders care about them. Learn how to empower your team or organization from a more awakened place, with clear aims.

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