Self Leadership and the Colourful Dance of the Inner Lines – 3 Monthly Payments of $200

$200.00 USD / month for 3 months

We are here to help you embody your leadership potential through deeper self awareness. We believe everyone is a leader.    

What if you had precise information that could detail the elusive nature of your shadow – everything about ourselves that we cannot see, but that affects us every day? What if this knowledge could ultimately assist you to liberate your life’s unique vision in service to the world? What if we could see and experience our repeating scripts so that we can change them to better serve the world?

The dynamism embedded in the symbol of the Enneagram holds practical keys for working with our unconscious patterns and for accessing our untapped brilliance—but only if we’re willing to look. 

Take your understanding of yourself to new levels and unlock your deepest gifts through the Dance of the Inner Lines. Your guides for this journey are Catherine Bell, Ben Campbell and Jonathan Steele, three Enneagram experts with very diverse specialties, each committed to supporting you with living up to your true potential.

Course Details:

Dates: Five Saturdays in March 2025 (March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29)
Time: 9-11 am MT
Cost: $900 (Early bird: $800 until Jan 15th)
Limited to 21 participants; scholarships available.

Say YES to leadership liberation!

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Full Description:

Key Elements include:

  • Understanding what the dance is between each Enneagram Point, the lines connected to it, and how to become a more whole and powerful leader.
  • A unique and interactive blend of teachings from experts in the Enneagram field.
  • A supportive cohort to bring forth your life’s untapped wisdom.
  • Tailored practices that include nature-based, yogic, and contemplative approaches.

What you’ll gain:

  • Powerful understanding of your inner workings, including each Type’s unique path of integrating key qualities and overcoming challenges.
  • Emergent perspectives on the workings of the inner lines and their invitation to discover true choice.
  • Resources and tools for learning to regulate your nervous system in a way that works for you in your actual lived life.
  • A customized map for discriminating between good and essential courses of action in the moment.

This course is for you if:

  • You are motivated to develop your leadership skills (including taking leadership of your own life).
  • You are interested in self-awareness and accessing your strengths.
  • You are open to new ways of working with yourself, your work, and other people.

Who this is not for:

  • People just beginning their Enneagram journey. 
  • People who want a standard online course experience.
  • People not willing to challenge their own assumptions.
  • People not interested in learning and applying teachings. 


  • 5 consecutive Saturday sessions in March 2025
    • March 1
    • March 8
    • March 15
    • March 22
    • March 29
  • 9-11 am MT

The Program:


March 1:  The Structure of Leadership

  • Objective Overview of the Enneagram Structure and the Inner Lines.
  • Everybody is a Leader / What is Leadership?
  • Group Activation Activity
  • Reflection Exercise
  • Playwork 
  • Presentation of play for last class – cultivating your inner lines plan.

March 8:  Leadership Beingness

  • Paths of the Body
  • Objective: Overview of the Inner Lines of the 9, 8, and 1
  • Learning to use the paths of the body as internal resources
  • Group Exercise
  • Reflection Exercise
  • Playwork

March 15:  Thought Leadership 

  • Paths of Thought
  • Objective: Overview of the Inner Lines of the 6, 5, 7
  • Learning to recognize our thought patterns
  • Group Exercise
  • Reflection Exercise
  • Playwork

March 22:  Heart Leadership

  • Paths to the Heart
  • Objective: Overview of the Inner Lines of the  3, 2, 4
  • Learning to be in the Heart
  • Group Exercise
  • Reflection Exercise
  • Playwork

March 30:  Integration Into Daily life

  • Develop a personalized strategy for your leadership
  • Reflection on creating a long term plan to continue working with inner lines
  • Review and Reflect
  • Presentations
  • Group Closing Activity
  • $900
  • Early Bird Pricing: $800 until January 15th
  • Space limited to 21
  • Limited scholarships available

Say YES to the invitation of leadership liberation through the map of the Enneagram, as you learn to lead yourself into the full expression of who and what you actually are! 


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