Catherine Bell: How to be An Awakened Company and Leader

Your organization is not just some static, monolithic thing. It’s actually a forest – living, breathing, adapting, full of evolving biodiversity. Often leaders get stuck, focusing on our productivity and numbers, and end up underperforming as a result, causing disengagement and mental health crises in their wake. Today, Catherine Bell shares how integrating consciousness, empathy, […]


Jonathan H. Westover, PhD|3/30/2023 In this HCI Podcast episode, Dr. Jonathan H. Westover talks with Catherine Bell about how we can build thriving, healthy organizational cultures in challenging times. Catherine Bell is a successful entrepreneur, business leader and best-selling business author.  Catherine founded BluEra, a Profit 500 executive search and team transformation company. As a top […]

Catherine Bell Shares Her Path to Awakening

Catherine Bell Shares Her Path to Awakening In this episode of The Science of Superpowers with Tonya Dawn Recla, Catherine Bell joins the conversation. Catherine shares her experiences creating the Awakened Company System to help others create awakened businesses. This month the Superpower Network celebrates the women who tell our stories and honors those with […]

Using the Enneagram for Leadership | Catherine Bell on the MayaPinion Podcast

Using the Enneagram for Leadership “Everything in my life is dedicated to awakening – awakening ourselves, our relationships, our organizations, and our communities. My vision is to be a healthy universal muse, radiating love, wisdom, and power in service to humanity and the planet. I believe that we either lead with positive intention or we […]

Awakened Leadership Nuggets | Catherine Bell on the Gaze Ahead Podcast

Awakened Leadership Nuggets “Catherine Bell teaches us that joy and empathy in the fabric of a company can be a superpower. She talks about customizing culture and measuring the north star values of a business, the Enneagram, and future generations of leaders. Get your notebook and brace yourself, this episode is jammed with inspiring leadership […]

The Enneagram and Buddhism | "Higher Mind" | Catherine Bell on End of The Road Podcast

The Enneagram and Buddhism | “Higher Mind” Michael Kokal interviews Catherine Bell on The Awakened Company, The Enneagram, Buddhism, and the “Higher Mind” and how they intertwine.

How To Awaken Your Companies Employees | Catherine Bell on The Chris Voss Podcast

How To Awaken Your Companies Employees Article originally published by Chris Voss. There is another way of doing business. The Awakened Company comes at a time of crisis in the business world, as evidenced by current world-wide financial instability, which was a cry for help from a bipolar boom-bust business model that’s failing. From a […]

From Soul to Business: Creating a Blooming Culture | Catherine Bell on Going Conscious Podcast

From Soul to Business: Creating a Blooming Culture “In this episode we talk about how to create your container for saying yes and no, body energy, partnerships with other leaders, finding your centering practice and integrating meaning into work so that work can be love made visible. Plus, Catherine shares one of her beautiful poems.”

Awakening to Radical Self Care | Catherine Bell on Sacred Changemakers Podcast

Awakening to Radical Self Care “In today’s episode, we are welcoming back Catherine Bell of the Awakened Company. She’s a good friend and colleague who is up to some really inspiring things which you’re going to hear about. She consults with organizations on how to create healthy innovative corporate cultures. In addition to being the […]

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