Lessons on awakening were abound at The Awakened Company‘s recent pop-up book signing and interactive discussion at Calgary’s downtown Indigo bookstore. BluEarth Founder, Kent Brown and Matrix CEO, Rob Pockar led a discussion of their first-hand, entrepreneurial experience in building and leading awakening companies. Kent started off with lessons learned from BluEarth. […]
The Awakened Company is a model for creating a positive ripple in the world. A new model of business that serves people is needed, anawakened one where people are working on themselves, their relationships, their teams, the organization and their community for a noble purpose. On November 27th, Indigo Downtown Calgary hosted a pop up event […]
A surprising book signing and interactive conversation will take place at Calgary’s downtown Indigo @ 317 – 7 Avenue SW (TD Square), from 12-2 pm on Thursday, November 26, 2015. Learn what it means and what it takes to be an Awakened Company and how businesses can succeed in the end. Join Rob Pockar, CEO of Matrix, Melissa Pockar, […]
Peace. The very reason for awakened companies is to create a more meaningful life rich with experiences and a harmonious world. Almost everything that is produced, developed, served, orchestrated and actioned is in some form of organization. Many of you know that an awakened company relies on awakened individuals to guide, reshape and build this […]
Join us for our Vancouver book launch on Friday, November 13 at 6:30 pm at Banyen Books & Sound. The Founder of this amazing bookstore, Kolin Lymworth, was a participant in the creation of The Awakened Company! Constance Kellough, Founder & President of Namaste Publishing and The Awakened Company author, Catherine Bell, will host a discussion on the rising of an […]
Many lessons on awakened leadership were discussed by the panel and audience at our BluEra book launch of The Awakened Company. Check out our short video that highlights some of this discussion and the event. Fewer than 1 in 5 leaders in organizations are perceived as truthful. Yet organizations with high trust environments perform 300% better than those […]
The BluEra book launch took place Thursday, October 27th. Thank you so much to the amazing BluEra Team for the sold out launch of our book, The Awakened Company, and to all of our clients for your support. The President and Founder of Namaste Publishing, Constance Kellough, and her husband Howard, along with my […]