Mindful Culture

  Paul Zelizer, Co-Founder and CEO of Wisdompreneurs shares lessons learnt about corporate culture for The Awakened Company. One of the biggest trends of the past decade in the start up space is the Lean Start Up movement. Through a combination of careful observation and research, leaders like Eric Reis and Steve Blank have helped […]

What’s Missing in Today’s Business World The modern workplace lacks humanity, hurting performance and sustainability. How to bring it back to your company. Most new companies perish within nine years of their founding. There are also countless examples of failed major organizations, like Arthur Anderson, Lehman Brothers, and Enron. The individual, social, environmental, technological, and […]


What is it that you would most like to experience on this blog? How can we best serve you? Latest business thinking articles? Articles on Innovation? Something inspiring or something that really makes you think? Videos? What is it that this community would most like to learn and why do you visit us? We are […]


With the recent news of Volkswagen’s cheating, I wonder how we can do better and I remembered my conversation with Otto Scharmer. Otto is the author of Leading from the Emerging Future, Theory U, and Presence. He is a senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. He is the founding chair of the MIT IDEAS Program, […]

book launch

  Awaken. At a time in our world where our traditional business models have failed, The Awakened Company shows us a path to a sustainable model that energizes, sustains and energizes people, business, communities and our planet. Owl’s Nest Books is graciously hosting The Awakened Company’s first official book launch. The book launch event will take […]

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