The Enneagram Is A Profound Personality Roadmap

Awaken with the Enneagram

Use The Enneagram for your personal, professional, and team Development

Are you interested in being the best you can be? In Leadership Development? In Personal Development? Book courses and learn about the Enneagram in the Awakened Company System.

What is The Enneagram?

Hear From Catherine Bell

Why The Enneagram?

Many people are ASLEEP at home, work, and play
The Enneagram Is A Guide That Helps To Wake Us Up To What Is Real And To Our Gifts And Work Ons
It shows us our default attitudes and behaviours… and it helps us to become more present and react less from our “default” perspective
 The Enneagram has given us tools to help with self-observation - to Awaken The Fire Within. It is a personality typology that helps us unfold our inner selves on this journey of self-discovery. 

There are 9 Enneagram Points

Click on any point to view Catherine Bell’s Type Description

Out Of The Nine Personality Types - No Enneagram Point is better than the other…

They each have specific qualities associated with them and everyone has one dominant personality type.

There are 3 Enneagram Instincts


Self Preservation


Enneagram Consulting and Coaching We Offer

Catherine R Bell has over 20 years of experience using the Enneagram with profoundly positive impactful successful results. She is Certified in the Enneagram and has learnt from some of the best Enneagram thought leaders in the world.

Catherine has very successfully used the Enneagram both with clients and her own businesses to enhance corporate culture, mindfulness, and transform team dynamics. Successful companies such as: BluEarth Renewables, BluEra, Moodys, and NGC Product Solutions, Shell, and many more organizations. They have used this map to better understand themselves, the teams they work in, and their corporate culture.

We Offer A Number Of Playshops Designed For Your Transformation

  • An introduction to the Enneagram

  • Identifying your Enneagram Point

  • Enneagram and Self Awareness

  • What happens to the Points when we are under stress and when we are at our best? 

  • Enneagram Instincts (social/self preservation/sexual)

  • Enneagram Triads (Hornevian groups, etc.)

  • Wings (how the Types adjacent to the Type modify the core Type)

  • Enneagram and Relationships

  • Enneagram and Team Performance

  • Enneagram and Leadership

  • Enneagram and Parenting

  • Creating an Enneagram Map of our Teams

Upcoming Enneagram Courses

There are currently no upcoming Enneagram Courses.

audio programs

Video on Demand

Check out pre-recorded enneagram webinars from Catherine Bell and Thought Leaders such as Russ Hudson, co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and Dr. Deborah Threadgil Egerton, President of the International Enneagram Association, Carson Tate, Charlotte Rotterdam, Tamika Schilbe and so many more.

Enneagram Testimonials

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Wanting to go a little bit deeper to understand the Enneagram and do the inner work?

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